Frequently Asked Questions

Only $14.99/month or $12.50/mo/billed annually.  Add any number of team members to your account and only get billed if they host a meeting!  Click here to learn more about our Don’t Use / Don’t Pay guarantee!

Upgrading to Professional includes all the necessary meeting features you will ever need to host your important meetings:


  • Unlimited Reliable and Secure Meetings
  • Personal Room URL + Waiting Room
  • Branded Rooms
  • Screen Sharing
  • Recording
  • Call Out and Call In
  • Calendar Integrations
  • Invite via Email, SMS, or Phone
  • Document Signing
  • YouTube Video Playback
  • Snapshot
  • One-Click Meetings
  • 24/7 Live Customer Service
  • End-to-End Encryption
  • HIPAA Compliant

Yes!  As a Professional Plan subscriber, you can invite any number of team members and only pay if they host a meeting.  That’s our Don’t Use, Don’t Pay guarantee.  Click Here to learn more.

Host up to 25 participants with audio and video.

ProVideoMeeting takes multiple approaches to securing your communication between you and your participants. For example, every room is locked requiring your permission to enter. No such thing as Room Bombing with PVM! We also implement all the latest encryption methods to secure the data connecting you to the room, including End-to-End Encryption and AES 256-bit algorithms.

Yes! You can contact us via email at support@provideomeeting.com, or visit our Contact Us page.  A dedicated relationship manager is assigned to you when starting your free trial.  They can assist you with your questions directly by responding to their welcome email letter.

Still have questions? Visit our Knowledge Base for more details.