Personal Room
One personalized link you can send to anyone, at any time.
Sharing your Personal Room is the easiest way for your clients, colleagues, and friends to meet and work with you!

The One Step Solution
To All Your Virtual Meeting Needs

- Add your link to your email signature!
- Text it to your friends and associates!
- Tell your colleagues to bookmark it!
- Even put it on your website!
It’s the most convenient way to have anyone meet with you, whether it be spontaneous or planned.

Custom features included in your room:
- Room Name & Custom URL
- Website Link
- Calendar
- Room Logo
- Light & Dark Mode
- Profile Picture
Now in right now? Guests can:
- Message you through ProVideoMeeting's custom messaging system
- Visit your website and learn more about you
- Schedule a future meeting if you offer that option
Now in right now? Guests can:

You always have the power to let them in or not!
No “Zoom-Bombing” and No unwanted visitors!
- Your clickable logo displays to help market you and your services
- Scheduling Link helps create follow up and conversions

Convenience, Essential Tools, And Branding
World Leading Breakthrough In Video Conferencing