Owning an event business means doing much of your own self-promotion. One of the simplest and most accessible ways to promote your event business is by bringing it online. Many potential clients search for event planners through the internet, making the need to be online a necessary business strategy. However, that’s just the bare minimum. You’ve got your website, it exists, but what sets your event business apart from the rest?
You want to think about ways to make your event business stand out online. Sometimes you don’t know where to begin exactly or even how. Figuring out how to expand on different platforms is important to the growth of your event business in general and here are five ways to grow your online presence.
1. Establish and promote a brand identity
Branding is what makes your event business unique by creating an experience for your clients that only your business can communicate. Your brand identity is established through the ways you customize your business’s brand experience through different mediums like an advertisement, business website, and event video conferencing tools. For example, ProVideoMeeting allows businesses to personalize even their own meeting link in order to establish a level of professionalism and personal identity. These things are what strengthen your brand identity and will make your event business and website pop online.
2. Build a professional website
Speaking of websites, building a professional website creates a strong platform for your event business. This is where potential clients will first have contact with your business and you want to create a positive experience for them. When building your business’s website, consider the way how it looks and functions. Is it pleasing to look at and is it easy to use? People stay on pages that are beautiful with plenty of images to look at and are easy to move around in.

3. Center your website content around the work you accomplished and what clients can gain from your services
When looking for event planners, potential clients will always do a quick Google search and land on a business’s website to scope out any significant details that might influence their decisions. Decisions such as event planning experience, credentials, visual images, and even the way your website looks and runs. All of these are influencing details that your prospective clients will take into consideration when deciding which event planning business to hire. You need to think about what makes your website a great experience for your clients. Consider things like aesthetics, images, and functional things like website maneuverability because these things are what leave an impressionable and positive influence on your potential clients.
4. Produce consistent and quality content to target prospective clients on social media
Always keep your targeted audience in mind when producing content because this is a form of branding and promotion. Specifically, on social media, you want to create and generate consistent and quality content that imparts value to your targeted audience because your targeted audience is ultimately your prospective clients. Social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and TikTOk are great platforms to create content that connects you to your audience. It also allows you to establish a specific relationship with your audience and offers unique ways to connect with them. For example, you can take your audience to a behind-the-scenes segment that they can find very interesting. This allows you to be transparent with them as well as create a personal image for your event business.
5. Create SEO-driven content to rank high on search engines
Growing your internet presence means optimizing the way you work online. In order to grow online, you need to create SEO-driven content. SEO stands for search engine optimization and what it does is improves the visibility and ranking of your site on various search engine results pages by sifting through every webpage on the internet, collecting information, and storing it away. Creating SEO-driven content allows you to rank higher on search engine websites like Google which prospective clients will see. People will most likely click on the first few websites that come up so it’s imperative that your content is SEO compliant. Not only does it grow your internet presence, but it also brings clients to your website.
Following these five tips will ensure your growth online. Bring your event business online entails a shift in the way you do things and conduct your business. Always keep in mind your audience and ways to create an experience that only your business can do.